Tuesday, September 28, 2010

School Holidays Are Boring!

Well, i know i said in my last blog
that i was keen for school holidays.
which i am, but it's sooooooo boring :(

my bestfriend is going to queensdalnd tomorrow
and my other bestfriend is going next week.
no fun for me.

my shifts at work are getting cut too.
so i can't spend my time making money, grrrr.

so i keep finding myself in my room,
on the laptop, watching true blood
or playing the wii or wastching gossip girl.

not so fun, but anyways

till next time,

Thursday, September 23, 2010

feeling of relief :)

The relief when exams are over,
pens are down,
schools over for the term :)
now 2 weeks of holidays,
5 weeks of school,
then to do it all over :|
better enjoy it while it lasts!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Update. . .

I'm really really over school!
It sucks!
I had trial exams today and i have them tomorrow and wednesday

so so keen :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Here's the Deal!

Well, It's Wednesday the 15th of September
& i'm laying in my bed watching 'four weddings'
as we speak.
The reason for this is that i've been putting together 
my bedside tables!

Why Oh Why
does furniture come flat packed these days?
I'd love to know.

We had a few dilemmas,
well one really!
It took me FOREVER to open the box
for a start and then once everything was
out of the box we realised that one of 
the pieces was broken so that all had
to go back into the box and taken
back to fantastic furniture
Then i had to open the other box
and put that together.
that wasn't too hard, but my
bum hurt from sitting of the hardwood floors
for so long, haha.

I'm dreading next week though.
I have my trails school certificate
on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday :O
and i FAIL at studying.
I have done like nothing! LITERALLY!
I'm leaving it all for Friday, Saturday and Sunday
:( :( :( :(

But, i'm just gonna give it my best shot :D

Anyways, i'm going to go have dinner right now :D
bye bye


Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Okay, So i know i just posted a blog post,
But, you know what, I'm posting another :)

So remember that thing called myspace?
My what? My SPACE!
So, it used to be all the rage, i was on it 24/7.
but now? never!

Anyways, enough talk on the fails of myspace.
To the point: I remember when i got bored i used to do bulletin surveys. . .
& i thought, so you could get to know me better
i'd post random ones every now and then.

Like now.
Enjoy :)


august sixteenth.
current location:
my bedroom.
righty or lefty:
thoughts first waking up:
i need to pee, (haha)
mcdonalds or burger king:
chocolate or vanilla:
what were you doing 5 minutes ago:
writing this post.
i love:
loadsssssss of things.
i feel:
i hate:
when people change.
i need:
a hug.
last person you argued with:
favorite cheese:
allergic to:
ever thrown up in a car:
first person you call when having a bad day:
my bestfriends rheann or cassie.
or my sister christina.
shampoo first or wash body first:
pen or pencil:
perfect time to wake up:
when the sun shines through my blinds.
perfect time to go to bed:
when i'm tired.

Hey There :)

My name is Courtney Jade, Welcome to my blog :)
I'm just your average sixteen year old girl,
Who loves her friends,
Hates school with a passion,
Has not found the perfect boyfriend,
Loves music louder then normal,
Finds her room her kingdom,
Loves clothes, make-up, making myself pretty (not so that i've rolled in doritos),
Couldn't live without technology,
Has always wanted to be famous.
